How to Build an Email List for Your Wedding Business

Aug 21, 2020

There’s likely come a point when growing your wedding business that you’ve heard of email marketing, but you probably weren’t sure it was right for you, it didn’t seem like a priority or necessary, or you just didn’t have time to start. All of these are valid reasons to not want to start a list, however it can be a game changer for many businesses.

Let’s think of it like this: Social media marketing is like renting a roadside billboard. Everyone can see it, but not everyone is going to be interested in reading it or learning more. There are thousands of billboards out there, and yours is just another one unless you can find a way to make it exceptional to attract the right audience.

So, what if you could somehow show that billboard (read: market your business) only to an audience you know is interested in learning more about your business, therefore are much more likely to work with you? That, in a nutshell, is email marketing. You have an entire...

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How to Turn Down Clients (The Easy Way)

Aug 12, 2020

There will come a time when you’re just not able to take on a client. There’s a plethora of reasons why you would decide not to work with a client, whether you just didn’t like their personality, you don’t have time, what they want is outside of your scope of work, etc.

However, saying no isn’t everyone’s strong suit. This can especially be the case for new wedding pros who are at the stage where perhaps they want to take on every client that comes their way. So, we’re going to give you 3 easy ways that you can turn down clients while keeping them as happy as possible.


Perhaps what they’re looking for may not completely work, but it’s similar to something else you offer. Maybe the specific flowers they’re looking for are ones you aren’t able to get ahold of, but you have something similar that you think could work for their arrangements. Or maybe the services they’re wanting fall just outside of a...

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15 Tips to Become a More Productive Wedding Pro

Aug 05, 2020

Productivity is something that many of us have struggled with. It doesn’t come easy for everyone, and that’s totally normal. Becoming your most productive self means you need to implement the three P’s: practice, perseverance, and patience.

You must practice different productivity skills, have the perseverance to stick with it, and above all, have patience with yourself. Over time, by implementing small changes, you’ll notice an increase in your overall productivity leading to less stress and accomplishing your goals more quickly. So, without further adieu, we have 15 tips that will help you see those changes sooner rather than later.

1. Set goals

Goals not only give you the motivation to get things done, but also allow you to outline where you need to start in order to accomplish them. Think of them as your roadmap– once you know what goals you want to reach after a certain timeframe, which could be weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc., you know which...

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Business ‘Lifelines’: Finding the Help You Need

Jul 31, 2020

Remember the old TV game show, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”?

On the show, contestants were asked a series of multiple-choice questions, each one getting more difficult as the show progressed. The more answers they got right, the more money they won and the higher value the next question had – all the way up to $1,000,000! (Just think of the business investments you could make with that kind of money!)

But if they got a question wrong, they were done. So, to help the contestant choose the right answers, they were given a few different lifeline options, such as “phone-a-friend”, “survey-the-audience”, or “ask-an-expert”.

When you think about it, getting the advice you need to progress in your business plays out much the same way. Your options are just slightly different. (And hopefully, you’re not in a situation where if you get one thing wrong, you’re done!)

Mentors (a.k.a. Phone-a-friend)

Mentors are people who...

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8 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Integration

Jul 29, 2020

When you start to dive head-first into your business, it can be difficult to find a solid line between your work and your day-to-day life. Oftentimes, that line is super blurry– maybe even nonexistent– and there’s no clear distinction. This can lead to feeling burnt out and as if all you ever do is work, which, in a sense, can actually be true.

When you work a little in the morning, a little in the afternoon, a little in the evening, and a little after bedtime, you get the feeling that you spend your whole day basically working. The constant juggling back and forth between the two can be exhausting, but we’re here to give you 8 tips to maintain a healthy work-life integration and feel much more productive at the end of the day.

Set Office Hours and Stick to Them

Whether you prefer to work from 8am–4pm or 11am–7pm, set clear office hours and stick to them. No matter how hard it is to resist the temptation of pulling out your laptop right before...

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3 Ways to Save Money When Starting Your Business

Jul 24, 2020

It’s no secret that starting a business can be expensive. It’s all too easy to get excited by, “Wow, I’m actually doing this! I’m about to become an entrepreneur!” In turn, that excitement can be blinding and we get distracted by all of the new shiny things, like office desks, technology and software, planners, binders, pens, etc.

You can feel as if in order to become a “successful” entrepreneur, you need to invest in all of the fancy things so you can keep up with the top dogs. However, that’s simply not true. We know it’s easier said than done, especially when you don’t have a retroactive view of this moment in your life. So, we’re going to give you 3 ways you can start saving money in your business now, so that you don’t have to look back down the line and think, “What the heck was I thinking?”

Buy Refurbished Equipment

We know you’d absolutely love to have a home office, but before...

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How to Know When You Can Quit Your Day Job

Jul 22, 2020

So your dream is to start a business as a wedding professional and quit your day job, right? It’s an amazing dream to have, and one that we think you can totally accomplish. We know you have at least one burning question, though.

How do you know when you can quit?

This question is subject to change based on each person’s preferences and situation. However, there are still common factors that we believe everyone should be able to check off their list before turning in their notice.

You Have a Business Plan

First and foremost, if you don’t have a clear business plan or a plan of action written out, you aren’t ready to quit. You should have a clear outline of your goals, how you expect to reach those goals, the steps you will take to start generating revenue, etc. Even better, you’ve already started bringing in a little income from your business. You also must be willing to be flexible because goals are fluid; they can bend and change given whatever...

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How to Create Systems and Processes in Your Wedding Business

Jul 17, 2020

There’s nothing worse than being in over your head with things to do. You have a hundred emails sitting in your inbox that need to be replied to, follow-ups that need to be sent, projects that need to be completed, and you just don’t know what to do. Your calendar is flooded with to-dos, or maybe it isn’t because you struggle with keeping your tasks organized. So what is there to be done?

One of the best things a business owner can do for themselves is to get systems in place. Once you create systems and processes to streamline your tasks, you’ll finally feel like you can get a hold of all there is to do. The best part is that you can likely even automate a portion of your day so you can free up time in your schedule to devote to other things. Doing so will make a drastic difference to the way you feel about running your wedding business.

Document Your Processes and Review

Before we dive in, know that you can’t streamline your workflows in one day,...

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3 Ways to Go Above and Beyond for Your Couples

Jul 15, 2020

Your clients’ experience is just as important as how well you serve them. From the first contact to months after working with them, making sure they have an exceptional experience working with you is not only a way to ensure their satisfaction but also to receive great reviews and referrals!

We aren’t saying you need to gift them a Lamborghini; small, thoughtful actions can make a world of a difference in how they perceive their time working with you. Leaving a lasting impression is the most sure fire way to guarantee that you’re making your clients happy during a time that can be stressful. We’ll be going over 3 ways you can go above and beyond for you couples!

Send a Handwritten Thank You Note

When a client books with you, or even after you’ve finished working together, sending a thank you note could be a great idea. There’s nothing more personal and thoughtful than a handwritten note expressing your gratitude for them booking with you and how...

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The Who, Where, and How of Marketing Your Wedding Business

Jul 10, 2020

Sometimes we might think that in order to attract a ton of clients, we need to market everywhere. It seems to be a common belief that the more places you are at once, the more leads you’ll receive. However, your messaging just ends up unclear this way and makes it harder for potential clients to be able to clearly identify whether you will be able to serve them or not.

Figuring out the where, who, and how of marketing your wedding business is such a crucial step. You have to make sure you’re showing up in the right places and addressing the right people in the right way or you won’t see the results you’d like. But how can you make sure that the platforms you’re on and the people you’re talking to are actually where and who you want to serve? What about how you’re delivering your messaging and marketing in a way that attracts them?

It all simply comes down to figuring out who is your ideal client.

The Who

You may have at least an inkling of...

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