Save Money on Your Business





We give away 100% of our affiliate commissions.

Did you read that?
We are serious. We give our members our earned affiliate commissions through TAG business grants. Why? Because our mission is to profoundly help small businesses in the wedding world, and often the financial piece is the hardest. We give these earned commissions away because we want you to see our vision play out in the real world. Do you want to apply for our grants? Join our community today to receive this premium benefit.

Oh, and we never profit off our partnerships.


In a world filled with #ads and sponsored posts, we wanted you to know that who we recommend we stand behind 100%. We have spent countless hours vetting, screening, interviewing, and testing the offerings of all our partners. We have them on our list because they are the best, not because it puts more money in our wallets.

We would love to help your wedding business!

As we mentioned, we know cash flow can be a challenging part of running a business, especially with the seasonality of weddings! Just for dropping in today we wanted to get you some of our best tips on how we change that! Fill out the form and we will send you some actionable ways to improve your cash flow today!

Five Tips for Improving Your Cash flow

You know you want some actionable ways to improve your cash flow, and we are here to help!


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