Be Thankful for the Challenges...We Learn and Become Better Because of Them
Nov 29, 2019Be Thankful for the Challenges
We Learn and Become Better Because of Them
This is certainly a time of year that our thoughts turn to the things we’re thankful for – wonderful friends and family, good health, opportunity, etc. Gratitude is a magnificent and powerful emotion.
How often are we thankful for the things that often help us learn and grow the most? You know, the challenges, the struggles, the mistakes, and the failures. Yes, you read that right. It’s our failures, mistakes and struggles that help us grow. Or at least they give us the opportunity to grow.
When things go well, we continue to perform, but we don’t get any better. We continue to just ‘do’. It’s only in our struggles that we pause and look for different, new and better ways to perform. And that’s when we grow. It’s that growth that makes it possible for us to do and accomplish more in the future. It’s what makes us better at what we do.
So, we encourage you to take a few minutes to think back on the struggles, challenges, mistakes and even failures you experienced over the last year. Think about what you learned (or could have) from them.
Then be thankful for those times just as much as the ‘good times,’ because it’s those moments that help us grow and become even more and better in the future.
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